A Periodontist is a Dental specialist who deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and management of Periodontal/Gum disease/Pyorrhea, Periodontal Plastic Surgeries and in the placement of Dental Implants. Periodontist are also experts in the treatment of oral inflammation.
Dr. Somit Jain is a Dentist Periodontist located in the heart of Raipur city in Chhattisgarh India.
- Dr. Somit Jain Dentist is one of the few dental specialists in the country specialized in Laser dentistry.
- Jain Dentist is expert in diagnosing and preventing Gum diseases/Pyria. As a Periodontist/Gum Specialist, Dr. Somit Jain is an expert and best-trained doctor in Raipur Chhattisgarh India.
- He also finds time to practice as a Consultant for Periodontist & Laser practitioner in top notch clinics in Raipur.
- His down to earth and friendly nature helped the patients to discuss their dental issues in detail and get the required solutions. This not only helped him to maintain his reputation and attain the desired growth but the development of his multispecialty dental clinical skill.
- Due to his seminars he attained confidence among patients and they started interacting with him for effective, minimal invasive & advance dental treatments.
2. What do you understand by Deep cleaning of teeth (Dental) or SRP?
If you’ve been diagnosed with Pyorrhea/Periodontal (gum)disease, the good news is that it often can be treated successfully. The first Nonsurgical step usually involves a special cleaning called “scaling and root planing” or SRP or Periodontal Debridement to remove plaque and tartar deposits on the tooth and root surfaces. This procedure helps gum tissue to heal and periodontal pockets to shrink. This is sometimes referred to as “periodontal cleaning” or “deep cleaning.”