Tattvartha Sutra (तत्त्वार्थ सूत्र)| Moksh Shastra




Jain Tattvartha Sutra Introduction

महानुभव हम सभी लोग जैन पाठशाला के अंतर्गत जैन धर्म का एक महान ग्रंथ है तत्वार्थ सूत्र हम सब उसको पड़ेंगे। आप सब लोग ध्यान रखेंगे। जब इस महान ग्रंथ को पढ़ते हैं तो हमें टीवी के समक्ष बैठकर के चौकी में बैठें, पुस्तक साथ में रख ले, कुछ खाते पीते हुए चाय आदि पीते हुए इस ग्रंथ को नहीं पड़ेंगे, बहुत संयम रखेंगे, विनय भाव रखेंगे क्योंकि यह हमारा एक महान ग्रंथ है। यह ग्रंथ ऐसा ग्रंथ है जिसमें भगवान महावीर स्वामी की जो वाणी है, उस वाणी का सारा का सारा सार इस ग्रंथ में दिया गया है और यह जो ग्रंथ है संस्कृत साहित्य का प्रथम ग्रंथ है जैन आचार्य का, सूत्रात्मक ग्रंथ है। सूत्र ग्रंथ में जिसमें सार और संक्षेप भरा होता है ऐसा उमा स्वामी द्वारा लिखा गया यह ग्रंथ है। इस ग्रंथ के बारे में अनेक आचार्यों ने स्तुति की है, इसकी महिमा गाई है, टिकाएं आदि लिखी हुई है। हम सभी इस महान ग्रंथ को पढ़ने जा रहे हैं।

आप लोग प्रतिदिन इस ग्रंथ का स्वाध्याय करने के लिए नियमित रूप से अपने कॉपी पेन पुस्तक ले करके बैठेंगे और इसके नोट्स आदि भी तैयार करेंगे जिससे आपको इस ग्रंथ में प्रवेश करने से आप अनेक ग्रंथों का भी अध्ययन कर पाएंगे। तत्वार्थ सूत्र एक ऐसा ग्रंथ है जिसके पढ़ने से हम किसी भी ग्रंथ में प्रवेश कर सकते हैं। हमारे यहां पर भगवान महावीर स्वामी के द्वारा जो वाणी हैं उससे गणधर ने अनेक ग्रंथों की रचना की और उसका हम स्वाध्याय करके अपने जीवन में आनंद प्रकट कर सकते हैं। आत्मा को परमात्मा भी बना सकते हैं तो चलिए हम इस ग्रंथ को पढ़ना प्रारंभ करते हैं और इस ग्रंथ की अनेक जो  विशेषताएं हैं उसको भी हम पढ़ेंगे।

जैसा कि यह सूत्रात्मक ग्रंथ है। यह सूत्रात्मक ग्रंथ हर दर्शन में पाया जाता है। बुद्ध दर्शन, जैन दर्शन, न्यायायक दर्शन, मीमांसा दर्शन, न्याय दर्शन, योग दर्शन आदि अनेक दर्शन हैं और हर दर्शन में एक महत्वपूर्ण ग्रंथ, सूत्र ग्रंथ हैं।

जैसे न्याय दर्शन में न्याय सूत्र नाम का ग्रंथ है। न्यायायक दर्शन में न्यायायक एक सूत्र ग्रंथ है। वैशेषिक दर्शन में वैशेषिक सूत्र ग्रंथ है। बुद्धों में ब्रह्मसूत्र नाम का ग्रंथ है। वेदांत दर्शन में बादरायण सूत्र ग्रंथ है और योग दर्शन में योग सूत्र नाम का ग्रंथ है। ऐसे ही जैन दर्शन में यह तत्वार्थ सूत्र नाम का ग्रंथ है जो अपने आप में बहुत विशाल है। जैन धर्म का आधार स्तंभ ग्रंथ है यह ।

महानुभव यह ग्रंथ इतना आगे जाकर के अन्य लोगों को प्रभावित किया कि हमारे अनेक आचार्यों ने इस पर महान महान टिकाएं लिखी। आचार्य समन्तभद्र स्वामी हुए, आचार्य अकलंक स्वामी हुए, आचार्य पूज्यपाद स्वामी हुए, आचार्य विद्यानंदी स्वामी हुए उन्होंने इन ग्रंथों पर महान महान टीकाएं लिखी।

‘सर्वार्थसिद्धि’ नाम की टीका लिखी आचार्य पूज्यपाद स्वामी ने छठवीं शताब्दी में, जिसे तत्वर्थवृत्ती भी कहते हैं और आचार्य अकलंक स्वामी ने छठवीं सातवीं शताब्दी में या सातवीं आठवीं शताब्दी में ‘तत्वार्थ राजवार्तिक’ नाम की टीका लिखी और आचार्य विद्यानंदी स्वामी ने जो सातवीं आठवीं शताब्दी में हुए हैं उन्होंने तत्वार्थ ‘श्लोकवार्तिक’ नाम की टीका लिखी है।

स्वेताम्बर साहित्य में भी वहां जो आचार्य हुए उन्हें तत्त्वार्थ-अधिगम-सूत्रनाम की टिका लिखी, तो देखो सभी ने तत्वार्थ तत्वार्थ तत्वार्थ नाम से ही टिका लिखि है। किसने वृत्ति किसिने वर्तिका और किसी ने भास्य रूप में इसमें बहुत सुंदर सुंदर बातें लिखी हैं।

टीका जो होती है जो सूत्र हैं, सूत्र संक्षेप होते हैं और उनमें सार भरा होता है और आचार्य लोग जो अन्य आचार्य आते हैं तो अन्य शिष्यों के लिए सरलीकरण करने के लिए उसमें और विशेषताओं को देते हुए उसमें अर्थ निकाल कर के हम लोगों को और अच्छी तरह से समझाते हैं।

महानुभव हम सभी लोग इस ग्रंथ के बारे में पड़ेंगे और सर्वप्रथम मंगलाचरण करेंगे। आप सब लोग हाथ जोड़ लीजिए और तत्वार्थ सूत्र का मंगलाचरण करते हैं।

मोक्षमार्गस्य नेतारं, भेत्तारं कर्मभूभृताम्

ज्ञातारं विश्वतत्त्वानां, वन्दे तद्गुण लब्धये

अब इसका अर्थ देखिए क्या लिखा है? मोक्षमार्गस्य मोक्ष मार्ग के अपने बचपन में संस्कृत पड़ी होगी तो कर्ता ने कर्म को करण से आदि तो यहां सस्ती का एकवचन है। सस्ती एकवचन होता है ‘का की के’ तो मोक्ष मार्ग के। मोक्षमार्ग के क्या हैं आप? नेतारं नेता हैं, नेता मतलब प्रणेता है, मोक्ष मार्ग को बताने वाले हैं। नेता किसे कहते हैं जो मार्ग बताएं जो रास्ता बताएं अथवा कोई रास्ता पुराना है, उसमें उस को आगे बढ़ाएं। उसे कहते हैं नेता तो अरिहंत भगवान कैसे हैं? मोक्ष मार्ग के नेता हैं। वह हमें रास्ता बताते हैं। हमें मार्ग बताते हैं। सच्चा मार्ग, धर्म का मार्ग, आत्मा को परमात्मा बनाने का मार्ग तो इस प्रकार से मोक्षमार्ग के आप क्या हैं? नेता हैं।

भेत्तारं मतलब भेदन कर दिया है, नष्ट कर दिया है, क्षय को प्राप्त कर दिया है। क्या नष्ट कर दिया है, क्या भेद कर दिए हैं? अथवा टुकड़े-टुकड़े कर दिए हैं, क्या टुकड़े-टुकड़े कर दिए हैं? कर्मभूभृताम् मतलब? भू मतलब होता है पर्वत कर्म मतलब कर्म, कर्म रूपी पर्वतों को जिसने भेत्तारं क्या कर दिया है? भेदन कर दिया है। मतलब जो 8 कर्म थे अथवा 4 घातिया कर्म थे उन कर्मों का जिन्होंने भेदन कर दिया है। नष्ट कर दिया है, तो कर्म रूपी पर्वतों के समूह को जिन्होंने क्या किया है? भेदन किया है, नष्ट किया है, क्षय किया है।  

पहला विशेषण क्या बताया? मोक्षमार्ग के नेता हैं, कर्म रूपी पर्वतों का आपने भेदन किया है और तीसरी बात कह रहे हैं। ज्ञातारं जानने वाले हैं, किसको जानने वाले हैं? विश्वतत्त्वानां विश्व के समस्त तत्वों को जानने वाले है।

विश्व किसे कहते हैं? जहां पर छह द्रव्य पाई जाती है, उसे विश्व कहते हैं अर्थात जैन धर्म के अनुसार लोक और अलोक को विश्व कहते हैं।  

लोक जिसमें जीव, पुद्गल, धर्म, अधर्म, आकाश, काल द्रव होते हैं

और अलोक आकाश में मात्र अनंत आकाश होता है।

उन दोनों को हम कहते हैं विश्व।

वर्तमान में जो विश्व कहते हैं, एक गोल गोल पृथ्वी है। हम उसे तो बहुत छोटी चीज है वो, वो विश्व नहीं है। विश्व सारा संसार जिस में आ जाता है लोक और अलोक। तो विश्व के तत्त्वानां विश्व में जितने पदार्थ हैं, जितने भी द्रव्य है, जितने भी पदार्थ हैं, उनको ज्ञातारं जाने वाले हैं, तो विश्व के समस्त तत्वों को जो जानते हैं।  

भगवान का जो ज्ञान होता है, केवल ज्ञान होता है। वह उसमें एक समय में युगपत समस्त द्रव्यों की समस्त पर्यायों को जानते हैं। समस्त पदार्थों के अनंत गुणों-पर्यायों को प्रति समय युगपत जानना। अनंत द्रव्य और अनंत द्रव्यों की अनंत पर्यायों उसमें भी वर्तमान की, भूत की और भविस्य की जिसको एक साथ एक समय में जान लेते हैं ऐसा निर्मल ज्ञान ऐसा विमल ज्ञान ऐसा अमल ज्ञान तो विश्वतत्त्वानां जो विश्व के समस्त तत्वों को जानने वाले हैं या जानते हैं, वन्दे नमस्कार करता हूं, क्या करता हूं मैं? ऐसे परमात्मा को मैं क्या करता हूं, नमस्कार करता हूं।

परमात्मा के 3 विशेषण बता दिए। क्या क्या बताया? पहले मोक्ष मार्ग के नेता हैं तो मोक्ष मार्ग के नेता होंगे, मतलब हित का उपदेश देने वाले होंगे तो इसमें हितोपदेशी पना आ गया। जो हितोपदेश है, हित का उपदेश देने वाला है, वही नेता है। देखो संसार में नेता जो होते हैं ना वह हित का उपदेश नहीं देते हैं। वह तो अपने स्वार्थ का उपदेश देते हैं जिससे उनका स्वार्थ सधता है ऐसा उपदेश देते हैं लेकिन मोक्ष मार्ग के जो नेता होते हैं उनका अपना कोई स्वार्थ नहीं होता है।

सब जीवों को मोक्ष मार्ग का निस्पृह हो उपदेश दिया। आप सभी लोग मेरी भावना में पढ़ते भी हैं। सब जीवो को संसार के समस्त जीवो को मोक्षमार्ग का, मोक्ष मतलब होता है सुख मोक्ष का अर्थ क्या होता है? मोह और क्षय जहां मोह का क्षय हो जाता है। मोह का क्षय जहां हो गया वहा आत्मा को सुख प्रकट हो जाएगा तो अनंत सुख कैसे मिले आपके लिए कैसे अनंत सुख की प्राप्ति हो, संसार में सभी जीव सुख चाहते हैं तो वैसा सुख की प्राप्ति कैसे हो? तो भगवान ने हमें कैसा उपदेश दिया, ऐसे अनंत सुख का उपदेश दिया। इसलिए सच्चे हितकारी यदि कोई है तो वह हमारे अरिहंत भगवान हैं। तो यहां पर अरिहंत भगवान का विशेषण बताया जा रहा है कि कैसे हैं अरिहंत भगवान? जो मोक्ष मार्ग के नेता हैं अर्थात जो हितोपदेशी हैं, फिर क्या बोला? कर्म रूपी पर्वतों को भेदन करने वाले हैं तो जिन्होंने अपने कषाय को नष्ट कर दिया है, ज्ञानावरणीय कर्म को नष्ट कर दिया है, दर्शनवर्णीय कर्म को नष्ट कर दिया है। राग द्वेष मोह को नष्ट कर दिया है। इस प्रकार से वह क्या हो गए?  वीतरागी हो गए। वीतरागी भगवान जिन्होंने राग द्वेष मोह कषाय को छोड़ दिया है। दर्शन मोहिनी चारित्र मोहिनी कर्म नष्ट कर दिए हैं। आत्मा को निर्मल कर दिया है। इस प्रकार से भगवान आप कैसे हो वीतरागी।

भगवान समस्त तत्वों को जानते हैं तो सर्वज्ञता आ गई। सर्वज्ञ में तीन अक्षर हैं। सर,  और ज्ञ, सर्व शब्द अलग कर लो और ज्ञ मतलब का अर्थ होता है जानना, अल्पज्ञ जो अल्प को जानता है, वह अल्पज्ञ है। धर्मज्ञ जो धर्म से पुणे है, धर्म को जानता है, विशेषज्ञ जो विशेषता को जानता है, वह विशेषज्ञ है। ऐसे सर्व को जानता है वह सर्वज्ञ है।

सर्वज्ञ कौन होते हैं? जो तीन लोक में या लोकालोक में समस्त पदार्थों को युगपत जानते हैं। 3 लक्षण अरिहंत भगवान के होते हैं, हितोपदेशी, वीतरागी और सर्वज्ञ पना।   

ऐसे परमात्मा को वंदे क्या करता हूं मैं? जो हितोपदेशी, वीतरागी और सर्वज्ञ है ऐसे परमात्मा को क्या कर रहा हूं, कौन नमस्कार कर रहे हैं, इस ग्रंथ के लेखक कौन हैं? आचार्य उमा स्वामी भगवान तो आचार्य उमा स्वामी कह रहे हैं मैं ऐसे परमात्मा को नमस्कार करता हूं। क्यों नमस्कार करता हूं? तो भैया हम जब नमस्कार करेंगे तो हम कुछ प्राप्त तो करेंगे।

तद्गुण लब्धये क्या बोल रहे हैं? तद्गुण उनके गुणों को लब्धये प्राप्ति के लिए, हे भगवान ! आपके जो गुण हैं उन गुणों की प्राप्ति के लिए मैं आपको नमस्कार करता हूं।

गुरुदेव नमोस्तु! नमोस्तु! नमोस्तु! गुरुदेव एक प्रश्न है मेरे मन में इस मंगलाचरण में अपने पंच परमेष्ठी भगवान में किस परमात्मा को नमस्कार किया जाता है? आपका प्रश्न है मंगलाचरण में किस परमात्मा को नमस्कार किया गया है। देखिए हमारे यहां 5 परमेष्ठी होते हैं। अरिहंत, सिद्ध, आचार्य उपाध्याय और साधु यहां पर आचार्य उमा स्वामी ने अरिहंत  परमात्मा को नमस्कार किया है क्योंकि अरिहंत परमात्मा जो है, जिनका समवसरण लगता है, दिव्यध्वनि खिरती है। सिद्ध भगवान के दिव्यध्वनि खिरती नहीं है और आचार्य उपाध्याय जो साधु हैं, उनको केवल ज्ञान की प्राप्ति नहीं हुई है तो केवल ज्ञान की जिनको प्राप्ति हो गई है ऐसे अरिहंत परमात्मा को नमस्कार किया गया क्योंकि अरिहंत परमात्मा किसे कहते हैं? 3 जिनमे बातें हो उन्हें अरिहंत परमात्मा कहते हैं जिनमें सर्वज्ञता हो, वीतरागता हो और हितोपदेशता हो उसे अपन अरिहंत परमात्मा कहते हैं। सभी लोग मेरी भावना पढ़ते हैं तो उसकी दो लाइन शुरू की जो है उसमें इसी अरिहंत परमात्मा को नमस्कार किया है।

जिसने राग-द्वेष कामादिक जीते, सब जग जान लिया

सब जीवों को मोक्ष मार्ग का, निस्पृह हो उपदेश दिया।  

जिसने राग-द्वेष कामादिक जीते अर्थात वह वीतरागी हो गया। सब जग जान लिया अर्थात सर्वज्ञ हो गए। सब जीवों को मोक्ष मार्ग का, निस्पृह हो उपदेश दिया अर्थात वह हितोपदेशी हो गए। इस प्रकार से इस मंगलाचरण में भी आचार्य उमा स्वामी ने अरिहंत परमात्मा को नमस्कार किया है।

महानुभाव इस ग्रंथ के बारे में कुछ जानकारियां ले लेते हैं। कोई भी ग्रंथ प्रारंभ करते हैं तो उसमें 6 बातों का ध्यान दिया जाता है, आपको ग्रंथ के प्रारंभ करने में सर्वप्रथम 6 बातों का ध्यान रखा जाता है। पहली बात लिखी है ग्रंथ का नाम यदि हम शास्त्र उठा कर बैठ गए और हमें ग्रंथ का नाम ही नहीं पता है तो ऐसा नहीं। सबसे पहले हमें यह पता चलना चाहिए, इस ग्रंथ का नाम क्या है? ग्रंथ का नाम है तत्वार्थ सूत्र

दूसरा क्या लिखा हुआ है। ग्रंथ के रचयिता कौन हैं? आचार्य उमा स्वामी हैं। इनका नाम गृद्ध पिच्छाचार्य नाम भी पढ़ा था। अनेक शिलालेखों में उमा स्वामी का नाम गृद्ध पिच्छाचार्य भी नाम आता है। गृद्ध पिच्छाचार्य का मतलब क्या है? गृद्ध मतलब जो गिद्ध है, उसके पंख लेते हैं इसका अर्थ ऐसा नहीं है। जिनको अपने ही जिन शासन में गृद्धता थी जिनको यह मयूर की पिच्छिका लेने में गृद्धता थी क्योंकि उस समय लोग अनेक अनेक प्रकार की पिच्छि, कोई वस्त्र की पिच्छि रखता था, कोई गो पिच्छि रखता था, कोई किसी प्रकार कपड़े रखता था। बोले नहीं, मयूर पिच्छि ही जो अहिंसक है, संयम का उपकरण है जिसमें उनकी इस प्रकार की गृद्धता (Greediness लोभ, आसक्ति) इसलिए उनका नाम गृद्ध पिच्छाचार्य भी पड़ा और वैसे नाम जो है 11वीं 12वीं की शताब्दी के शिलालेखों में उनका नाम आचार्य उमा स्वामी आया है। अनेक ग्रंथों में आचार्यों ने बड़े आदर के साथ उनका नाम उमा स्वामी लिया है तो पहला हमने देखा ग्रंथ का नाम तत्वार्थ सूत्र है। यह याद करना है दूसरा अपन ने क्या देखा ग्रंथ के रचयिता तो आचार्य उमा स्वामी भगवान। यह आचार्य कुंदकुंद स्वामी के पट्ट शिष्य हैं। आचार्य कुंदकुंद समस्त ग्रंथ प्राकृत भाषा में लिखे, प्राकृत भाषा में लिखे लेकिन उमा स्वामी ने उस समय यह पहला जो ग्रंथ है संस्कृत भाषा में लिखा सुत्रात्मक शैली में लिखा और जैन धर्म का आधार स्तंभ यह ग्रंथ बना।

अब यह तीसरा जो बात लिखी है कि मंगलाचरण में किसे नमस्कार किया है? तो अभी बताया आपको, अरिहंत देव को नमस्कार किया है।

ग्रंथ का प्रमाण, यदि हम पहले से यह जान लें कि ग्रंथ कितना बड़ा है। ग्रंथ में क्या अध्याय हैं तो उससे क्या होगा, हमको संतुष्टि हो जाएगी कि हमको इतना पढ़ना है। हम इसके बारे में नहीं जानेंगे तो हमको तनाव रहेगा कि कितना है कितना नहीं है तो इस ग्रंथ में 10 अध्याय हैं, 10 चैप्टर हैं और सूत्र कितने हैं? 357 सूत्र हैं। इसका हमको नॉलेज हो जाने से हमारे मन में यह हो जाता है कि हमको 10 अध्याय पढ़ना है और टोटल 357 सूत्र पढ़ना है, जिससे पढ़ने में हमारी रुचि बन जाती है। हमको पता चल जाता है इस ग्रंथ का प्रमाण कितना है तो हमने ग्रंथ का प्रमाण भी जान लिया।

अब यह भी पता चल जाए कि ये ग्रंथ किस निमित्त से लिखा गया है? तो यह भव्य जीवो के निमित्त से लिखा गया है।

प्रवचंद आचार्य की तेरहवीं शताब्दी की टीका मिलती है और उसमें उन्होंने एक घटना लिखी है कि उमा स्वामी महाराज आहार करने गए थे तो एक वसतिका में एक गांव के वसतिका मैं घर में वहां पर लिखा था। दर्शनज्ञानचारित्राणि मोक्षमार्गः यह शब्द लिखा हुआ था। सिद्धया नाम का एक श्रावक था। उसके घर में बाहर पाटी में यह लिखा हुआ था। जब यह सूत्र देखा तो उन्होंने वहां पर चौक पड़ी हुई थी उसके आगे लिख दिया सम्यक् शब्द और वह आ गए। जब सिद्धया वापस आया तो उसने देखा यह किसने लिखा तो बोले जैन गुरु ने लिखा। तो वह वहां पर गए और जाकर उन्हे नमस्कार किया और पूछा कि आत्मा का हित कैसे होगा। मोक्ष मार्ग की प्राप्ति कैसे होगी तो उन्होंने बताया सम्यग्दर्शनज्ञानचारित्राणि मोक्षमार्गः से ही इसमें हमें मोक्ष की प्राप्ति हो सकती है। मात्र दर्शन ज्ञान चारित्र आने से मोक्ष की प्राप्ति नहीं होती है। किसी में श्रद्धा कर लो। कुछ भी जान लो। कुछ भी चारित्र धारण कर लो, नहीं सम्यक् दर्शन होना चाहिए, सम्यक् ज्ञान होना चाहिये और सम्यक् चारित्र होना चाहिए। इस प्रकार से उन्होंने यह सूत्र की उत्पत्ती उस भव्य जीव के निमित्त से हुई।

तो सिद्धया जो है वह प्रश्न करते गए और यहां पर आचार्य उमा स्वामी सूत्र बनाते गए और उनके निमित्त से यह ग्रंथ जो है, निर्मित हुआ और आज समस्त संसार में जैन लोग और अजैन लोग सभी इस ग्रंथ को पढ़कर के जिन शासन को अच्छी तरह से समझ रहे हैं।

किस हेतु से हमें इस ग्रंथ को पढ़ना है? हमें पता चल जाए कि हमें कुछ प्राप्त होना है तो हम इसको पढ़ेंगे। और अगर हमको लाभ ही पता नहीं चलेगा तो हम इसको पढ़ेंगे नहीं तो हेतु क्या है? प्रयोजन क्या है? हम इसे मोक्ष की प्राप्ति के हेतु के लिए हम इस ग्रंथ को पढ़ते हैं।

आप सब लोगों ने आज इतना जाना इतना समझा मंगलाचरण का अर्थ समझा, और यह ग्रंथ में 6 जानने योग्य बातें समझी और इसमें भिन्न-भिन्न आचार्यों ने क्या-क्या टीका टिप्पणी की है इसके बारे में आपने जाना और इसके बारे में डिटेल रूप से हम पढ़ेंगे। विस्तार रूप से और इसके मंगलाचरण के बारे में समझेंगे। आज इस ग्रंथ के बारे में जो हमने आप को सिखाया है, आप इसको नोट्स बना लेंगे और इसको दोबारा पड़ेंगे।




Namokar Mantra

Namokar Mantra (णमोकार मन्त्र)

Namokar Mantra (णमोकार मन्त्र)

Namokar Mantra (णमोकार मन्त्र) Meaning

Namokar Mantra
Namokar Mantra

णमो अरहंताणं,

णमो सिद्धाणं णमो आइरियाणं।

णमो उवज्झायाणं,

णमो लोए सव्व साहूणं।।

एसो पंचणमोयारो सव्वपावप्पणासणो।

मंगलाणं च सव्वेसिं पढ़मं हवई मंगलम्।।

  • भाषा : प्राकृत
  • रचनाकार : आचार्य पुष्पदंत और भूतबलि
  • ग्रंथ का नाम : षट्खण्डागम
  • किस रूप मे रचना हुई : मंगलाचरण
  • कब लिखा : ईशा की पहली शताब्दी में (2000 वर्ष पहले)
  • कौन से छंद मे लिखा गया है : गाथा छंद
  • गाथा छंद मे चार चरण और नमस्कार पंच परमेष्ठियों को
  • भाव की अपेक्षा से णमोकार मंत्र अनादि अनंत
  • शब्दों की अपेक्षा से सदा काल नहीं रहेगा (छठे काल में प्रलय)
  • 5 पद, 35 अक्षर और 58 मात्राएं

  • लोक में सब अरहंतों को नमस्कार हो, सब सिद्धों को नमस्कार हो, सब आचार्यों को नमस्कार हो,सब उपाध्यायों को नमस्कार हो और सर्व साधुओं को नमस्कार हो।
  • यह पंच नमस्कार मंत्र सब पापों का नाश करने वाला है तथा सब मंगलों में पहला मंगल है।
  • यह मंत्र मोह-राग-द्वेषका अभाव करने वाला और सम्यग्ज्ञान प्राप्त कराने वाला है।
  • अरहंत, सिद्ध, आचार्य, उपाध्याय और साधु ये पाँचों परमेष्ठी कहलाते है। जो जीव इन पाँचों परमेष्ठीयों को पहिचान कर उनके बताये हुए मार्ग पर चलता है उसे सच्चा सुख प्राप्त होता है।

एक दिन ऐसा विकल्प आया भगवान महावीर स्वामी के निर्वाण (मोक्ष) जाने के 681 वर्ष के पश्चात – धरसेन आचार्य (शास्त्र लिखने की जिम्मेदारी जो आज तक कभी नहीं लिखे गए थे ) – नरवाहन और सुबुद्धि मुनिराज को मंत्र साधना करने की आज्ञा दी – भविष्य के पुष्पदंत और भूतबलि मुनिराज – पुष्पदंत मुनिराज ने ग्रंथ लिखना प्रारंभ किया – सबसे पहले लिखा गया णमोकार महामंत्र ।


मसूड़ों की बीमारी क्या है ?? (पायरिया या पेरियोडॉन्टल बीमारी)

मसूड़े क्यों फूल जाते है??

पायरिया रोग का कारण..??? मसूड़े क्यों फूल जाते है?? Masudo me infection ??

जरा सोचिये, जब आपके हाथ मे एक कट हो जाये. उस कटे हुए स्थान पर जब कीटाणु प्रवेश करते है तो हमारा शरीर स्वतः ही एक रक्षात्मक प्रतिक्रिया से हमारे शरीर की रक्षा करता है. इस प्रकिया को प्रति रक्षा तंत्र कहते है. यह कटा हुआ स्थान बाद मे लाल, सुजा हुआ एवं गर्म हो जाता है. इसी प्रकार से हमारा शरीर उस कटे हुए घाव मे कीटाणु के प्रवेश होने से लड़ता है. यह हमारे शरीर का प्राकृतिक रक्षा तंत्र है जो स्वतः ही और हमेशा होता है. क्या यह प्रक्रिया हमारे शरीर मे बहुत सालो से चल रही है और क्या यह प्रकिया आगे भी निरंतर चलती रहेगी, हम इसे पहचान नहीं सकते जब यह होती है, यह स्वतः ही होती है और हमारे शरीर की कीटाणुओ से रक्षा करती है I

आपके मसूड़े दांतो को घेर के रखते है और इन मसूड़ों के चारो तरफ ब्रश करने के बाद यदि प्लाक (पीला चिपचिपा )या कैलकुलस /टार्टर (कीटाणु बाहुल्य )बचा रह जाता है जिससे हमारा शरीर हमेशा की तरह इन कीटाणुओ को पहचान कर इन कीटाणुओ से हमारे शरीर की रक्षा करता है.

ये कीटाणु दांतो के चारो तरफ इकठ्ठा होने लगते है जिनको ब्रश करके निकालना आवश्यक हो जाता है. इसी तरह कैलकुलस /टार्टर को दन्त चिकित्सक के द्वारा सफाई करके निकाला जाता है.

जब कभी शरीर मे समस्या आती है, तो हमारा प्रतिरोधी तंत्र इस प्लाक /टार्टर को निकाल नहीं पाता तो यह किसी तरीके से लड़ता रहता हैँ. तो हमारे मसूड़े बहुत लाल, सूजे हुए एवं कई बार मसूड़ों से खून एवं दर्द होने लगता हैँ. मसूड़ों मे सूजन के साथ दांतो एवं मसूड़ों के बीच एक पॉकेट (कीटाणुओ का घर )बनने लगता है, जिससे कीटाणुओ को और वृद्धि करने के लिये जगह बनने लगती है, जिससे शरीर मे ताकतवर प्रतिरोधी क्रियाएं होती हैँ, जिससे पॉकेट और बड़ा होने लगता हैँ, और कीटाणुओ को और जगह मिलने लगती हैँ. जिससे हमारे शरीर मे तब तक प्रतिरक्षा क्रियाएं चलती रहती हैँ जब तक यह प्लाक /टार्टर पूरी तरह निकल न जाये या इसके विरुद्ध जीत न जाये. हमारा शरीर लगातार इस संक्रमण एवं कीटाणुओं से लडता रहता हैँ, जिससे लगातार मसूड़ों के चारो तरफ की आवरित हड्डियों का नुकसान होता रहता है और मसूड़ों से सम्बंधित बीमारिया होती हैँ जिसे मूलतः पायरिया कहते हैँ.

जब हमें इस संक्रमण के स्रोत (कीटाणु )को हटाने की जरूरत होती है तो यह मसूड़ों का प्रदाह (गर्म, सूजन )खत्म होने लगता है. इसे हम नियमित ब्रशिंग एवं नियमित दन्त चिकित्सा परामर्श से दूर कर सकते है, जिससे कीटाणुओं का संक्रमण कम होने लगता है. हमारा शरीर खुद कहता है की यदि कीटाणु का बहुत ज्यादा संक्रमण कही नहीं है तो मुझे भी लड़ने की जरूरत नहीं है. जिससे मसूड़े कम सूजे हुए, रक्त रहित एवं कम लाल दीखते है.

इस प्लाक एवं टार्टर से हमारा शरीर लगातार लड़ते रहता है, इससे नियमित ब्रशिंग, दन्त चिकित्सा परामर्श से बचा जा सकता है

Prestige Dental Care के Dr Somit Jain बताते है की पायरिया का सामान्य अर्थ है “दांत के चारों ओर सूजन” का होना है, दाँत की सतह के आसपास सूक्ष्मजीव, जैसे बैक्‍टीरिया (Bacteria) मौजूद रहते हैं, और यही बैक्‍टीरिया पायरिया रोग का कारण बनते है। जिससे व्यक्तियों के मुंह में दुर्गन्ध (Halitosis) आना बढ़ जाती है, पायरिया के बैक्‍टीरिया दांतों के आस-पास मसूड़ों के ऊतकों (Gum tissues) को प्रभावित कर सूजन वाली स्थिति पैदा करता है, जिससे मसूड़े लाल हो जाते हैं, और कभी-कभी उनसे खून भी आ सकता हैं (Red & Swollen Gums)

पेरियोडोंटाइटिस (Periodontitis), मसूड़ों का एक सामान्य संक्रमण रोग, है जो दांतों के मुलायम ऊतक (मसूड़ों) और हड्डी को नुकसान पहुंचाता है। यदि इसका उपचार समय पर ना किया जाये तो, दांतों के चारों ओर की हड्डी धीरे-धीरे नष्ट हो जाती है।

पायरिया के प्रकार – Types of Periodontitis (Pyorrhea) in Hindi

  • मसूड़ों की बीमारी की पहली अवस्था को जिंजिवाइटिस (Gingivitis) कहते हैं .
  • जिंजिवाइटिस को पहचानना जरूरी है क्योंकि जिंजिवाइटिस ठीक किया जा सकता है (Reversible).
  • प्लाक (Plaque) में प्रस्तुत जीवाणु जीव-विष (Toxins) उत्पन्न करते हैं जिससे मसूड़ों में उत्तेजन (Inflammation) , और तत्पश्चात लाली (Redness) , सूजन (swelling) और रक्तस्राव (Bleeding gums) होने लगता है.
  • अगर इसे पहचाना न जाए , या इस पर ध्यान न दिया जाए , तो जिंजिवाइटिस की बीमारी पेरियोडॉन्टाइटिस (Periodontitis) or पायरिया यानि मसूड़ों की और विकसित बीमारी में परिवर्तित हो सकती है.

पायरिया (Periodontitis) के कई अलग-अलग प्रकार हैं। जिनमें से कुछ सामान्य प्रकार इस तरह के हैं।

1. क्रोनिक पेरियोडॉन्टाइटिस (Chronic periodontitis):

यह पायरिया का सबसे सामान्य प्रकार है, जो ज्यादातर वयस्कों को प्रभावित करता है, इससे बच्चों के प्रभावित होने की सम्भावना कम होती है। समय पर इलाज नहीं होने पर मसूड़ों, हड्डियों और दांतों को अत्यधिक नुकसान होता है।

2. अग्रेसिव पेरियोडॉन्टाइटिस (Aggressive periodontitis): यह आमतौर पर बच्चों या नव युवाओं में शुरू होता है। यह कम लोगों को प्रभावित करता है। इसका इलाज न होने पर हड्डी और दाँत को बहुत तीव्र गति से नुकसान पहुंचता है। यह पायरिया जेनेटिक होता है।

3. नेक्रोटाइज़िंग पेरियोडोंटाइटिस (Necrotizing Periodontitis) :

यह एक गंभीर संक्रमण है जो कि मसूड़ों के ऊतक, दाँत के अस्थि बंधन और सहायक हड्डी को रक्त की आपूर्ति (नेक्रोसिस) में कमी के कारण होता है, यह आम तौर पर उन लोगों में होता है जो एचआईवी संक्रमण, कैंसर उपचार या अन्य कारणों से – कुपोषण के शिकार होते है।


मसूड़े क्यों फूल जाते है ? [ पायरिया रोग का कारण, इलाज ? ]


7 unsolved mystery box of : “The Interdental Space”

  • Interdental space is one of the most common site for the dental pathology may it be caries or any periodontal lesions.
  • Any imperfections in the interdental area (tooth or periodontium related) may lead to the accumulation and retention of biofilm causing dental lesions.
  • Hence it is necessary to have the basic understanding of anatomy and histopathologic make-up of this area labio-lingually, mesio-distally and occluso-cervically for periodontal & restorative considerations.

Interdental area is composed of

1. Proximal contact area

2. Interproximal spaces (formed by proximal surface in contact)

3. Embrasures (spillways)

4. Interdental gingiva (Buccal and lingual interproximal papilla plus Interpapillary Saddle or COL)

INTERDENTAL COL (Interpapillary Saddle)

  • Interdental gingiva is the normal gingiva which fills up the concave interdental space between two adjacent teeth and takes the form of a variable depression bounded buccally and lingually by the interdental papillae.
  • Until 1959, there was a general agreement that the interdental gingiva as it extends in the buccolingual direction is convex and cone or pyramidal shaped with one peak. These tissues were believed to perform the role as deflection of food debris from the interproximal area.
  • Cohen in 1959 initially described the morphology of the interdental tissue in his study of human and monkey material. Interdental gingiva when viewed buccolingually is a concave structure which consists of buccal and a lingual peak (2 peaks) and between the peaks is a depression similar to the shape of a mountain COL except when there is a diastema.
  • Interdental COL area is frequently damaged during and after the perio-restorative procedures due to two basic reasons:
    1. COL’s morphologic concavity (difficulty in oral hygiene maintenance)
    2. Histologically thin and Non-keratinized epithelium (readily shows periodontal inflammation due to plaque accumulation)
  • The labiolingual dimensions and vertical depth of the Interdental COL depends on the form and size of adjacent teeth and the extent of the contact area.
  • Average labiolingual width of the col from canine to molar region i.e. the distance between the labial and lingual papillary peaks increases from 2.5 to 6.2 mm in the maxilla and from 2.5 to 4.5 mm in the mandible (Pilot et al 1972).


What is an embrasure?

An embrasure is a V shaped open space adjacent to the contact area formed by the contour of proximal surfaces of two adjacent teeth (same arch) when viewed bucco-lingually and occluso-gingivally. (Dr.Somit Jain & Dr.Abhishek Hirwani)


Principal Fibre Bundles of Periodontal Ligament






  • The Periodontal pocket is defined as a pathologically deepened gingiva sulcus.
  • A Periodontal Pocket is a fissure between the cementum and the epithelium and is created by the destruction of periodontal attachment apparatus.
  • Periodontal Pocket is roentgenolucent and not recorded on x-ray.

How to probe the periodontal pocket.??

Pockets are found by probing the gingival crevice around the entire circumference of the tooth.

Pocket depth can be recorded on the x-ray by inserting roentgenopaque material such as Gutta-Percha points into the pocket.


Illustration of Periodontal probing of a molar (Infrabony Pocket depth here recorded was 11 mm)


Treatment of Lower Lip Mucocele (lips swelling) with Diode laser

Treatment of Lower Lip Mucocele (lips swelling) with Diode laser Surgery

Mucoceles are common lesions of the oral mucous membrane involving minor salivary gland tissue. The lower lip is the site most frequently affected, the remainder occur in the cheek, palate, floor of the mouth, tongue, and retromolar fossa. The upper lip is rarely affected.
Mucoceles occur most often in children and young adults.

The mucocele, a mucus accumulation phenomenon of the salivary gland, is a common lesion of the oral cavity.

In the past it was believed that oral mucoceles arise from obstruction of an excretory duct, which caused back pressure of mucus and the formation of an epithelial-lined cyst. It is now, however, generally accepted that most mucoceles are caused by trauma-injury or severing of an excretory duct and subsequent escape of mucus into the adjacent tissue.

Histopathologically, there are two types of mucoceles:

1) Mucous extravasation cyst, generally regarded as being of traumatic origin, such as lip biting.

2) Mucous retention cyst result from obstruction of the duct of a minor or accessory gland.


Mucocele is a common lesion of the oral mucosa that results from an alteration of minor salivary glands due to a mucous accumulation. Mucocele involves mucin accumulation causing limited swelling

(1). Two types of mucocele can appear – extravasation and retention.

Extravasation mucocele results from a broken salivary glands duct and the consequent spillage into the soft tissues around this gland. Retention mucocele appears due to a decrease or absence of glandular secretion produced by blockage of the salivary gland ducts

(2). When located on the floor of the mouth these lesions are called ranulas because the inflammation resembles the cheeks of a frog

(3). Mucocele is a common lesion and affects the general population. For this reason we felt it would be interesting review the clinical characteristics of mucoceles, and their treatment and evolution in order to aid decision making in daily clinical practice.




Tongue-tie (Ankyloglossia): Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

Tongue-tie which is also known as Ankyloglossia , is a congenital anomaly characterized by an abnormally short lingual frenulum which may restrict mobility of the tongue tip.

The phenotype varies from absence of clinical significance to rare complete ankyloglossia where the ventral part of the tongue is fused to the floor of the mouth.

The abnormally short lingual frenulum may result varying degree of decreased tongue mobility.

Tongue-tie (Ankyloglossia) has been suggested to cause breast-feeding difficulties (sore nipples, poor infant weight gain, early weaning), speech disorders (impaired articulation), problems with deglutition and dentition, oral-motor dysfunction and social issues related to the limited function of the tongue. (Lauren et al)





Restricted tongue movement on protrusion


A LINGUAL FRENECTOMY (also known as a tongue-tie release) is the removal of a band of tissue (the lingual frenulum) connecting the underside of the tongue with the floor of the mouth.

A lingual frenectomy is performed to correct ankyloglossia (tongue-tie).

ANKYLOGLOSSIA OR TONGUE TIE surgery with Diode Laser


ANKYLOGLOSSIA OR TONGUE TIE surgery with Diode Laser (Follow Up)


Treatment of ANKYLOGLOSSIA OR TONGUE TIE with Diode Laser surgery (Infographic)

tongue-tie or Ankyloglossia Infographic

Gingival depigmentation: Diode laser Vs Surgical blade; before and after.


  • A smile expresses a feeling of joy,success, sensuality, affection and courtesy, and can reflect self confidence and kindness.
  • The harmony of a smile is not only determined by the shape, position, and color of the teeth, but also by the gingival tissues.
  • Gingival health and appearance are essential components of an attractive smile.
  • The color of the attached and marginal gingiva is generally described as coral pink. It is determined by several factors, including the number and size of blood vessels, epithelial thickness, quantity of keratinization and pigments within the epithelium.
  • Gingival melanin pigmentation (GMP) may occur as a result of several physiologic and/or pathologic factors, the most common of which is the normal physiologic production of melanin.
  • Gingival hyperpigmentation presents as a diffuse deep-purplish discoloration or brown and light-brown patches with irregular contours that do not alter the normal oral architecture.
  • GMP may result in complaints about poor esthetics, especially among individuals with excessive gingival display (GUMMY SMILE ).

Gingival depigmentation has been carried out using many procedures such as 

  • Scalpel surgery,
  • Gingivectomy,
  • Gingivectomy with free gingival autografting,
  • Cryosurgery,
  • Electrosurgery,
  • Chemical agents such as 90% phenol and 95% alcohol,
  • Abrasion with diamond burs,
  • Different types of LASERS
  • Different lasers include carbon dioxide (CO2) (10,600 nm), diode (820 nm), neodymium-doped:yttrium, aluminum, and garnet (Nd:YAG) (1,064 nm), erbium (Er)-doped:YAG (2,940 nm), and erbium- and chromium-doped:yttrium, scandium, gallium, garnet (Er,Cr:YSGG) (2,780 nm) lasers.


Cosmetic Surgery in Raipur











Dental Plaque

WHO definition of Dental Plaque:

  • Dental plaque has been defined as “a specific but highly variable structural entity consisting of micro-organisms and their products on tooth surfaces, restorations and other parts of oral cavity composed of salivary components like mucin, desquamated epithelial cells, debris and micro-organisms, all embedded in a highly organized extracellular matrix.” (WHO-1961)
  • Dental plaque biofilm is a complex, highly organized three dimensional community arrangements of microorganisms involved in a wide variety of physical metabolic and molecular interaction that adhere to surfaces where there are moisture and nutrients.
  • Dental plaque represents a true Biofilm consisting of a variety of micro-organisms involved in a wide range of physical, metabolic and molecular interactions.
  • Plaques are usually colorless sticky bacterial film and hence DISCLOSING SOLUTIONS have become popular to enhance visualization. A red stained mat on the labial or buccal surface of a tooth is the prevalent image of the bacterial plaque.
  • The bacterial plaque biofilm is the pathogenic locus of both DENTAL CARIES and inflammatory PERIODONTAL/GUM disease.

Picture displaying: Dental plaque build up on teeth and gumline area




  • Using the new tools available to us we find that the plaque biofilm is not a polyglot mass but rather specific types of MICROCOLONIES surrounded by a gel-like intercellular substance derived from the bacteria themselves, from saliva, from the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) and the inflammatory exudate.
  • The matrix serves as the pathway for fluid movement within the plaque and contains the products of plaque metabolism (acids,enzymes,toxins etc); salivary constituents (proteins, carbohydrates and salts); soluble food components; shed leukocytes and epithelial cells.


Plaque is not an accidental accumulation of bacteria. It forms in a sequence of steps


  • Deposition of PELLICLE, a cuticular like material derived Supragingivally from saliva and Subgingivally from gingival crevicular fluid (GCF).
  • Salivary pellicle is composed mainly of glycoproteins (a mucoid type of protein containing carbohydrate) including a high molecular weight material called the “Agglutinating substance”
  • This pellicle begins to form immediately after brushing, is very tenacious and can attract and help anchor specific kinds of bacteria to the tooth surface.
  • The attachement of specific species of Gram positive Streptococci to the pellicle surface is called bacterial colonization.
  • These early plaques can be highly cariogenic.
  • The bacteria grow divide and produce an extracellular gel called DEXTRAN, which help anchor the growing mass to the tooth and attracts and traps other bacterial forms.
  • Within a few days a mixture of different types of microorganism comprise the bacterial community.
  • As the planktonic microorganisms multiply and grow, they form stratified layers against the tooth surface. Filamentous microorganisms grow on the surfaces of the coccal colonies and begin to replace the cocci.
STEP 3: PLAQUE MATURATION (Biofilm development and growth)
  • The development of complex flora-plaque maturation is the next step in the formation of dental plaque biofilm.
  • The microorganisms in the community will secret extracellular polysaccharides which are produced by the bacteria in response to sucrose and fermentable carbohydrates.
  • this mature plaque is responsible for the initiation of Periodontal/Gum disease.


  • In areas opposite the salivary glands and in subgingival areas where the fluids are rich in calcium and phosphates, the deeper layers of bacteria can become mineralized.
  • Individual foci of calcification form, enlarge and coalesce and calculus forms.
  • The mineralized layers of plaque are always covered by unmineralized plaque so that the formation of calculus is a special aspect of plaque formation and not a separate process.
पायरिया का मतलब

Pyria/Pyorrhea in teeth (Meaning,8 Signs & Symptoms,Diagnosis & treatment)

Table of Contents

Pyria/Pyorrhea in teeth (Meaning,8 Signs & Symptoms,Diagnosis & treatment)

(मसूड़े क्यों फूल जाते है)??

  1. What is Pyria disease? OR Pyria in teeth? OR Pyria meaning? OR Pyria wiki? OR Pyorrhea dental problem? OR Pyorrhea teeth problem? OR Pyria dental? OR Pyria meaning in English? OR Pyorrhea teeth disease? OR Pyria disease Wikipedia? OR Pyria disease of teeth? OR Pyria of the gum? OR Pyria mouth disease? OR What is pyria of the gums? OR What is Pyorrhea gum disease?

पायरिया का मतलब ? | पायरिया रोग कैसे होता है ?

पायरिया का मतलब
पायरिया का मतलब


  • Gum disease, which is also known as Periodontal disease (Gingivitis & Periodontitis) and PYRIA is a progressive disease which if left untreated may result in tooth loss because of poor dental hygiene .

  • Pyria/Pyorrhea begins with the inflammation and irritation of the gingival tissues which surround and support the teeth. The cause of this inflammation is the toxins released by harmful bacteria found in plaque or biofilm.

  • These harmful bacteria colonize the gingival tissue and form deeper pockets  between the teeth and the gums.

  • If treated promptly, the effects of mild inflammation (known as gingivitis) are completely reversible.

  • However, if the bacterial infection is allowed to progress (poor dental hygiene) or left untreated, Gingivitis may proceed to or risk of developing Periodontitis (Mild, Moderate & Severe) causing the destruction of gum tissue and the underlying jaw bone; promoting tooth loss. Hence Professional Cleaning both above and below the gum line at early stage of disease is very necessary to prevent tooth loss. 

  • In some cases, the bacteria from this infection can travel to other areas of the body via the bloodstream causing Systemic diseases.

  • In most cases, people experience NO PAIN with Pyria/Pyorrhea in early stages until the disease is very advanced. (Pyria: Don’t Wait Until it Hurts)
  • Bleeding and swollen gums are the most common signs & symptoms of developing Pyria/Pyorrhea.
  • Risk factors include Smoking, Diabetes, family history, and certain medications. 
  • Diagnosis is made by clinical examination of the gum tissue around the teeth both visually and with a Periodontal Probe (to rule out pockets) and X-rays (IOPA & OPG) looking for bone loss around the teeth.
  • If you notice that your gums bleed on a regular basis contact Periodontist or Gum Specialist as soon as possible.
  • Regular dental check-ups and proactive preventive good oral hygiene are the best methods for preventing Pyria/Pyorrhea.

Why the term "Pyorrhea Alveolaris" a MISNOMER ??

  • The word “Pyorrhea” comes from the Greek pyorrhoia, “discharge of pus” i.e. it is not restricted to the diseases of the teeth.
  • “Pyorrhea Alveolaris” : Purulent inflammation of the gums and tooth sockets, often leading to loosening of the teeth. A discharge of pus.
  • “Pyorrhea Alveolaris” /Pyria term is usually employed to designate all diseased conditions of the investing tissues of the teeth, and as such is a misnomer. (Drea et al 1919)
  • Such a term as “Pyorrhea Alveolaris” is wrong because, for one reason, it is likely to mislead the patient, dentist, and physician. If there is failure to find pus, no such condition as that described by “Pyorrhea Alveolaris” is present. But there may be infection and chronic
    inflammation present that may be just as serious as, and in some cases terminate in, the suppurating condition described as pyorrhea.
  • And because this non suppurative condition is not properly recognized and described, it is too frequently overlooked and dismissed from mind or not properly treated, both by the dental and the medical adviser. The result is that instead of arresting these periodontal problems in their incipiency they are allowed to progress to a point where it is next to impossible or impossible to get rid of them without extracting the teeth.
  • When the disease is limited to the gum tissue, it may be referred to as Gingivitis.
  • When this has progressed so far that there is involvement of the cementum, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone, it may be referred to as Periodontitis.

पायरिया रोग कैसे होता है ?

क्यों होता है पायरिया
पायरिया रोग कैसे होता है ?

What is Pyria ??

  • Periodontal disease or Pyria begins with the inflammation and irritation of the gingival/gum tissues which surround and support the teeth. The cause of this inflammation is the toxins released by harmful bacteria found in plaque or biofilm.
  • Throughout the day a thin layer called dental plaque forms over your teeth, this is known as Biofilm. This is a sticky and natural layer made up primarily of bacteria.
NORMAL GUMS VS periodontitis

2. What is Pyria in hindi? OR Pyorrhea teeth problem in hindi? OR Pyria meaning in hindi? OR Pyorrhea dental problem in hindi?

Prestige Dental Care Raipur के Dr Somit Jain बताते है की PYRIA/PYORRHEA or पायरिया का सामान्य अर्थ “दांत के चारों ओर सूजन” का होना है, दाँत की सतह के आसपास सूक्ष्मजीव, जैसे बैक्‍टीरिया (Bacteria) मौजूद रहते हैं, और यही बैक्‍टीरिया पायरिया रोग का कारण बनते है। जिससे व्यक्तियों के मुंह में दुर्गन्ध (Halitosis) आना बढ़ जाती है, पायरिया के बैक्‍टीरिया दांतों के आस-पास मसूड़ों के ऊतकों (Gum tissues) को प्रभावित कर सूजन वाली स्थिति पैदा करता है, जिससे मसूड़े लाल हो जाते हैं, और कभी-कभी उनसे खून भी आ सकता हैं (Red & Swollen Gums)

पेरियोडोंटाइटिस (Periodontitis), मसूड़ों का एक सामान्य संक्रमण रोग है जो दांतों के मुलायम ऊतक (मसूड़ों) और हड्डी को नुकसान पहुंचाता है। यदि इसका उपचार समय पर ना किया जाये तो, दांतों के चारों ओर की हड्डी धीरे-धीरे नष्ट हो जाती है।

8 Warning Signs & Symptoms of Gum disease (Dental Infographics by Dr. Somit Jain)

Gum disease can be painless, so it is important to be aware of any of the following symptoms:

 1. Bleeding gums when you clean your teeth (if gums bleed while brushing or flossing)

 2. Soft, Swollen,sour, red or tender gums

 3. Persistent bad breath or bad taste in mouth (Halitosis)

 4. Any change in the way teeth come together

 5. Pus from the gum line on pressing

 6. Gums shrinking (pulling ) away from the teeth (Receded Gums)

 7. Tooth hypersensitivity or Sensitive teeth

 8. Loose teeth (Tooth Mobility)

8 Signs You Have Gum Disease (Step by Step Dental Infographics) - Get the Facts with Helpful Illustrated Guide ​

3. What are the causes of Pyria/Pyorrhea of the gums? OR What causes Pyria gum disease OR Causes of pyria?



It is generally agreed that all known etiologic factors should be eliminated to effect a maximum response to Periodontal therapy. Among the more common causative agents are:

  1. DEPOSITS ON TEETH: Materia alba, residual embryonic tissues, mucinous Plaque (biofilm formation with bacteria) as well as Supragingival and Subgingival calculus create local inflammation.
  2. Inadequate Gingival Stimulation: Improper toothbrushing, flossing, interdental stimulation, hydrotherapy as well as the use of nondetergent types of diet, will allow for calculus, plaque biofilm formation, inadequate keratinisation and poor gingival circulation.
  3. Food Impaction
  • Vertical food impaction : Due to open contacts, plunger cusps or uneven marginal ridges creates injury to the interdental structures.
  • Horizontal food impaction : resulting from oversized embrasures, shallow vestibules, hypertonicity of facial musculature and irregular tooth alignment, creates stagnation and a medium for bacterial biofilm growth.
4. Mechanical Irritants:
  • Overhanging and overextended margins of restorations create tissue compression with resultant inflammation or necrosis.
  • Over-contoured restorations cause stagnation, while under-contoured restorations allow for food impaction with its sequelae.
  • Orthodontic appliances which impinge on the gingival tissues also create inflammatory changes.
  • Overzealous toothbrushing, incorrect in manner or type of brush, may allow for damage to the tooth, gingival and crestal bone.
  • Mouth Breathing and Smoking often cause dehydration of the soft tissue with resultant inflammation.
5. Muscle attachments:
Anatomic problems of the soft tissue relate to abnormal frenum pull, shallow vestibule depth and minimal attached gingival.
6. Systemic Factors:  Numerous systemic problems such a
  • Faulty nutrition
  • Debilitating disease
  • Blood dyscriasis
  • Endocrine dysfucnction
  • Allergies
  • Drug idiosyncrasies
  • Psychogenic factors

Above plays important role in the etiology of Periodontal disease



What is the cause/reason of Pyria ??

  • Pyria begins with the inflammation and irritation of the gingival tissues which surround and support the teeth. The cause of this inflammation is the toxins released by harmful bacteria found in plaque or biofilm.
  • This Dental Plaque Biofilm is a soft sticky tenacious and natural layer made up primarily of bacteria and food debris.
Cause of Pyria- Dental plaque

Stages of Gum Disease/Pyorrhea/Pyria



What is the best treatment for Pyria??

gingival enlargement (pyorrhea) treatment before and after


Pyorrhea-Pyria treatment before and after



Pyria or Pyorrhea Vs Systemic disease

 Pyria or Periodontitis has been an associated with a number of other systemic diseases OR medical conditions including heart disease, immune system disorders, respiratory disease, chronic kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, cognitive impairment, obesity, metabolic syndrome and cancer. It is important to take any medical advice if required of any underlying medical condition before proceeding with the Nonsurgical or Surgical Periodontal therapies.

Pyorrhea/Pyria Mukt Bharat

Pyorrhea/Pyria Mukt Bharat

How Pyria can be cured ??
How to treat Pyria??

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day. If possible, clean oral cavity after each meal.
  • Do massage of teeth and gums softly
  • One of the best things you can do is swish warm, salty water around in your mouth
  • Electric toothbrush to maximize your cleaning potential.
  • The Waterpik Water Flosser is the only Water Flosser to earn the American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of acceptance.
  • Make sure your toothbrush has soft or extra-soft bristles.
  • Replace your toothbrush every three months.
  • Floss daily
  • Interdental brushes for orthodontic cases and natural gaps between teeth.
  • Use a natural mouthwash.
  • Visit your dentist at least once a year.
  • Refrain from smoking or chewing tobacco.
  • Limit sugar
  • Oil pulling
  • Exposing teeth to salt or baking soda could erode the tooth’s surface enamel over time so try to avoid that.

Can Pyria be transmitted ??

  • Research has shown that Pyria/Pyorrhea is caused by the inflammatory reaction to bacteria under the gums, so pyria technically may not be contagious.
  • However, the bacteria that cause the inflammatory reaction can be spread through saliva to saliva contact.

COVID Consent form for Dental treatment in Hindi

COVID consent form for dental treatment in Hindi

मसूड़ों की सर्जरी / FLAP SURGERY

मसूड़ों की सर्जरी FLAP SURGERY
Periodontitis definition

Periodontitis & Gingivitis Meaning Symptoms Tx | Gum Disease

Table of Contents

Periodontitis & Gingivitis Meaning, 8 Symptoms & Treatment (Gum/Periodontal Disease)

Periodontitis definition

1#. Key Points

  • Periodontal disease/Pyorrhea which is otherwise known as Gum disease around the globe is a collective term used for different conditions affecting one or more tissues in the attachment apparatus of the tooth including gums, cementum, periodontal ligament and the alveolar bone of jaw. The attachment apparatus as a whole is termed as Periodontium.
  • Periodontium can be defined as complex supporting and investing structural tissues that holds the teeth in the mouth (Synonym: attachment apparatus of teeth).
  • Dental plaque biofilm is considered to be the most important initiating factor for different forms of periodontal disease.
  • The plaque-induced variations of Periodontal disease (Gingivitis & Periodontitis) are extremely prevalent chronic immuno-inflammatory conditions that affect distinct components of the Periodontium including gums and bone.

2#. What is the meaning of Periodontitis ?

(Periodontitis que es, Periodontitis definition)

  • Periodontitis ( “Perio” generally means around, “dontal” signifies teeth & “itis” as we all know is inflammation) is a chronic multifactorial immuno-inflammatory disease associated with plaque biofilms (dysbiotic in nature) and may proceed to destruction of the tooth‐supporting periodontium including gums and bone.
  • The most harmful and tissue invasive pathogen which has been seen to be associated with gum/periodontal diseases are primarily Gram negative anaerobic bacteria and may include A.actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis & Prevotella intermedia.
  • The principal clinical features of Periodontitis include Loss of Clinical Periodontal attachment (CAL), jaw Bone loss, increase in pocket depth & Gum inflammation.
Periodontitis Meaning
  • Other names : Gum disease, Periodontal disease, Pyorrhea, Pyria, पायरिया
  • Specialty: Dentistry
  • Symptoms: Bleeding and swollen gums, bad breath, gums pulling away from teeth, loose teeth.
  • Causes: Primarily by the harmful bacteria present in dental plaque biofilm.
  • Risk Factors: Diabetes, Smoking, Hormonal imbalances
  • Diagnostic Criteria: Thorough Clinical, Radiographic and Occlusal examination (OPG, Bitewing X-rays)
  • Treatment: Regular professional cleaning, Non-surgical & Surgical Periodontal therapy, Home remedies.
  • Complications: Periodontal abscess, tooth loss, systemic complication in severe inflammatory cases.

3#. What is the difference between Gingivitis and Periodontitis?

Gingivitis Vs Periodontitis

  • Gingivitis and Periodontitis are both types of Periodontal disease or Gum disease.
  • Gingivitis is a mild form of Periodontal disease that causes irritation, redness & swelling (inflammation) of your gingiva/gums where the inflammatory process is limited to the gingival epithelium and connective tissue. Gingivitis is Reversible & No bone loss.
  • In contrast Periodontitis is an immuno inflammatory infiltrate of deeper compartments of the periodontium, resulting in destruction of tooth-supporting tissues including gingiva, cementum, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone (Periodontitis is NOT reversible because it involves bone loss, which cannot be recovered), tooth mobility and, ultimately tooth loss.
  • Gingivitis may lead to Periodontitis, but it is clear that NOT all cases of Gingivitis proceed to Periodontitis.

4#. What is the meaning of the term "Periodontist" or "Gum Specialist"

Periodontist Meaning

  • When you develop moderate to advanced form of Gum disease, your general dentist may refer you to a dental specialty k/a Periodontics.
  • Periodontics is that branch of clinical dentistry that focuses on the tissues that surrounds the teeth and provide anchorage to tooth root.
  • A Periodontist is a Dental Specialist who deals with the Prevention, Diagnosis and Management of Gums /Periodontal disease and render good oral & gum health considering the proper form function and esthetics of soft and hard tissues surrounding teeth.
  • Periodontal treatment can range from simple cleaning to bone and soft tissue grafting to more complex bone surgeries and tooth replacement with a dental implant.

5#. What do you understand by the term Periodontium?


  1. The Dental Unit is an organ consisting of the Teeth and Periodontium (teeth supporting hard and soft tissues). Dental Unit plays a key role in deglutition, phonation, proprioception, support for facial musculature and Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) & maintenance of a general sense of well being.
  2. Supporting tissues of the teeth known collectively as the Periodontium (from the Greek peri, around, and odontos, a tooth) includes various tissue compartments which anchor the teeth to the jaw bone.
  3. Periodontium comprises of four different tissue compartments Lamina propria of gingiva, root cementum, periodontal ligament and Bundle bone (Alveolar bone proper).
  4. Provide interdental connection among the row of teeth.
  5. Tissue compartments also provide a protective seal for the mucosal openings created by erupting teeth via the junctional epithelium and hemidesmosomes to withstand the masticatory forces and to defend the sulcular space between the teeth and soft tissue from the foreign invaders (microorganisms).
  6. These tissue compartments behave biologically developmentally and functionally as a protective unit for the teeth.

Functions of Periodontium (Schroeder et al)

  1. Attachment :  Attach the teeth to their bony housing and to one another.
  2. Resistance :  Resist and resolve the forces generated by mastication, speech and deglutition.
  3. Protective Seal : Maintain the integrity of the body surface by separating the internal and the external environment.
  4. Balance :  Adjust for structural changes associated with wear & secondary eruption and ageing through continuous regeneration and remodeling.
  5. Defense:  Defend against the noxious external environment influences that are present in the oral cavity.

Supporting Periodontium/Attachment apparatus – Consists of root cementum, the periodontal ligament, and the alveolar bone (proper).

Alveolar bone proper – Bony wall of the alveolus, comprising a relatively thin perforated plate adjacent to the root (see Lamina dura). It consists of cancellous bone (with Sharpey’s fibers forming bundle bone), except where the socket involves lamellated bone as part of the cortical plate. It is a portion of the alveolar process.

Bundle bone – That portion or entity of alveolar bone proper in which the principal fibers of the periodontal ligament are anchored.


From this concept of compartmentalization, Guided Tissue Regeneration GTR procedures developed and barrier membranes were being utilized to accomplish the goal of epithelial exclusion: cell/tissue re-population control, space maintenance and clot stabilization.

GTR is based on the principle of exclusion of gingival connective tissue cells and the prevention of epithelial downgrowth into the wound.

By exclusion of these gingival tissues, cells with regenerative potential (periodontal ligament, bone cells and possibly cementoblast) can enter the wound site first and promote regeneration.

NORMAL GUMS VS periodontitis

Changes in Periodontium during Periodontitis

6#. What are the 8 Warning signs and symptoms of Gum Disease/Periodontitis?

Spot the 8 Warning signs of Periodontal disease by Dr.Somit Jain

If you happen to have Gum disease/Periodontal disease then you might very well develop few of below mentioned warning signs and symptoms of Periodontitis including:


1. Bleeding gums when you clean your teeth (Do you ever spit out “Pink” in the Sink and can u see from where bleeding is coming from?)

2. Gum tissues are rolled out, puffy, soft, Swollen, sour, red or tender

3. Persistent bad breath (Halitosis) or altered taste in mouth

4. Change in your bite (how teeth of both jaws come together)

5. Pus expressed around gum line on slight provocation

6. Pulling away of gums from the teeth (Gum Recession)

7. Tooth hypersensitivity or Sensitive teeth

8. Loose teeth (Tooth Mobility)

Periodontal disease is mostly silent & painless, so with utmost care we need to be aware of above mentioned warning signs.

8 Signs and symptoms of gum disease or periodontitis

7#. What are the causes of Gum disease?

  • Gum disease can be caused by a number of factors, but poor oral hygiene is the most common cause.
  • Poor oral hygiene, such as not brushing your teeth properly or regularly, can cause plaque and calculus to deposit on your teeth.
Causes of gum disease or periodontitis

It is generally agreed that all known etiologic factors should be eliminated to effect a maximum response to Periodontal therapy. Among the more common causative agents are:

  1. DEPOSITS ON TEETH: Materia alba, residual embryonic tissues, mucinous Plaque (biofilm formation with bacteria) as well as Supragingival and Subgingival calculus create local inflammation.
  2. Inadequate Gingival Stimulation: Improper toothbrushing, flossing, interdental stimulation, hydrotherapy as well as the use of nondetergent types of diet, will allow for calculus, plaque biofilm formation, inadequate keratinisation and poor gingival circulation.
  3. Food Impaction
  • Vertical food impaction : Due to open contacts, plunger cusps or uneven marginal ridges creates injury to the interdental structures.
  • Horizontal food impaction : resulting from oversized embrasures, shallow vestibules, hypertonicity of facial musculature and irregular tooth alignment, creates stagnation and a medium for bacterial biofilm growth.
4. Mechanical Irritants:
  • Overhanging and overextended margins of restorations create tissue compression with resultant inflammation or necrosis.
  • Over-contoured restorations cause stagnation, while under-contoured restorations allow for food impaction with its sequelae.
  • Orthodontic appliances which impinge on the gingival tissues also create inflammatory changes.
  • Overzealous toothbrushing, incorrect in manner or type of brush, may allow for damage to the tooth, gingival and crestal bone.
  • Mouth Breathing and Smoking often cause dehydration of the soft tissue with resultant inflammation.
5. Muscle attachments:
Anatomic problems of the soft tissue relate to abnormal frenum pull, shallow vestibule depth and minimal attached gingival.
6. Systemic Factors:  Numerous systemic problems such a
  • Faulty nutrition
  • Debilitating disease
  • Blood dyscriasis
  • Endocrine dysfucnction
  • Allergies
  • Drug idiosyncrasies
  • Psychogenic factors

Above plays important role in the etiology of Periodontal disease/Gum disease.

8#. What is the role of Dental Plaque Biofilm in Gum disease/Periodontal disease?


  • The presence of bacteria in the oral cavity has been known since the time of Anton von Leeuwenhoek, who described the “animalcules” in dental plaque.
  • Bacterial etiology of Periodontitis has been explored over 100 years evolving along with technologies advances in identification and characterization.
  • One of the most significant recent developments in the  understanding of periodontal disease etiology is the recognition of dental plaque as a BIOFILM.
  • A biofilm is defined as single cells and micro-colonies enclosed in a highly hydrated, predominantly anionic exopolymer matrix. These sessile cells behave in profoundly different ways from the free floating (planktonic) counterparts.


  • Plaque formation follows several distinct phases, beginning with adsorption onto the tooth surface of a conditioning film derived from bacterial and host molecules that forms immediately following tooth eruption or tooth cleaning.
  • This adsorption is followed by passive transport of bacteria mediated by weak, long-range forces of attraction.
  • The primary colonizers form a biofilm by autoaggregation (attraction between same species) and coaggregation (attraction between different species)
  • Coaggregation results in a functional organization of plaque bacteria and formation of different morphologic structures such as corncobs and rosettes. The microenvironment now changes from aerobic/capnophilic to facultative anaerobic.
  • The attached bacteria multiply and secrete an extracellular matrix which results in a mature mixed-population biofilm.



8#. Dysbiosis of Supragingival & Subgingival Oral Microbiota leading to Caries & Periodontitis

  • The supragingival & subgingival microbial ecosystem of the oral cavity is characterized by a great number of microbial species living in balance by adopting mutualistic strategies.
  • The eubiosis/dysbiosis condition of the periodontal microbiota (plaque biofilm) strongly influences our dental health and disease status.
supragingival and subgingival

Periodontal bacteria in health and disease

Periodontal bacteria in health and disease
  • Gingivitis is a plaque induced inflammatory process of gingival epithelium and connective tissue surrounding the teeth with no loss of attachment.
  • The inflammatory process in Gingivitis does not extend into supporting Periodontium i.e. the cementum, periodontal ligament and bundle bone.
  • The primary etiologic agent of Gingivitis is Dental plaque biofilm and considered to be the most benign form of gum disease.
  • The secondary etiologic factor for Gingivitis may include stress, anxiety, lowered resistance, nutritional impairment, mouth breathing, smoking and gross neglect.
  • Plaque associated Gingivitis may have one or more of the following clinical signs and symptoms including bleeding upon probing or spontaneous, bad breathe or halitosis, gingival sensitivity and itching.
  • Gingivitis by definition has no loss of attachment or radiographic loss of bone.
  • According to Page and Schroeder (1976) concept of the pathogenesis of the periodontal lesion, the first three stages (initial, early & established lesion) are consistent with the clinical diagnosis of gingivitis.
  • Periodontitis can be defined as inflammation involving the muco-gingival unit (gingiva and alveolar mucosa) and may extend to the supporting periodontium including the cementum periodontal ligament and alveolar bone proper.
  • Periodontitis/Gum disease is initiated by DYSBIOSIS (imbalance) of the complex dental plaque biofilm on the supra and subgingival surfaces of teeth and gingiva.
  • The plaque-induced variety of Gum disease (Gingivitis & Periodontitis) are extremely prevalent chronic immuno-inflammatory conditions that may affect various components of the Periodontium including gums and bone.
  • Gingivitis is more benign of the two conditions where the inflammatory process is limited to the gingival epithelium and connective tissue.
  • In contrast, the hallmark of Periodontitis is an immunoinflammatory infiltrate of the deeper compartments of the periodontium, resulting in destruction of the tooth-supporting tissues (Lamina propria of gingiva, cementum, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone), tooth mobility and, ultimately, tooth loss.
  • Gingivitis precedes Periodontitis, but it is clear that NOT all cases of Gingivitis progress to advanced form of periodontal disease.
  • Periodontal disease results from a complex interplay between the subgingival biofilm and the host immune-inflammatory events in response to the challenge presented by the bacteria.

  • Periodontitis begins with the inflammation and irritation of the gingival tissues which surround and support the teeth. The cause of this inflammation is the toxins released by harmful bacteria found in accumulations of tooth associated materials (plaque biofilm and calculus)

  • Periodontitis is a complex multifactorial immuno-inflammatory disease associated with bacteria-host immune system–mediated dysbiosis and characterised by progressive destruction of tooth supporting structure.
  • Primary features of Periodontitis include the loss of periodontal tissue support manifested through clinical attachment loss and radiographic bone loss, the presence of periodontal pocketing and gingival bleeding.
  • If treated promptly, the effects of mild inflammation (known as gingivitis) are completely reversible.
  • However, if the bacterial infection is allowed to progress (poor dental hygiene) or left untreated, Gingivitis may proceed to or risk of developing Periodontitis (Mild, Moderate & Severe) causing the destruction of gum tissue and the underlying jaw bone; promoting tooth loss. Hence Professional Cleaning both above and below the gum line at early stage of disease is very necessary to prevent tooth loss. 
  • In some cases, the bacteria from this infection can travel to other areas of the body via the bloodstream causing Systemic diseases.
  • In most cases, people experience NO PAIN with Periodontitis in early stages until the disease is very advanced. (Periodontal Disease: Don’t Wait Until it Hurts)
  • Bleeding and swollen gums are the most common signs & symptoms of developing Periodontitis.
  • Risk factors include Smoking, Diabetes, family history, and certain medications. 
  • Diagnosis is made by clinical examination of the gum tissue around the teeth both visually and with a Periodontal Probe (to rule out pockets) and X-rays (IOPA & OPG) looking for bone loss around the teeth.
  • If you notice that your gums bleed on a regular basis contact Periodontist or Gum Specialist as soon as possible.
  • Regular dental check-ups and proactive preventive good oral hygiene are the best methods for preventing Periodontitis.
  • Gingivitis and Periodontitis are inflammatory condition of infectious nature.
  • The unequivocal role of bacterial Dental Plaque in the development of these diseases was established 50 years ago.
  • Gingivitis is a REVERSIBLE inflammatory reaction of the marginal gingiva to plaque accumulation whereas Periodontitis is a destructive, NON-REVERSIBLE condition resulting in the loss of tooth connective-tissue attachment to bone, which ultimately leads to loss of the involved teeth.
  • Existing evidence indicates that Gingivitis precedes the onset of Periodontitis; however not all Gingivitis can develop into Periodontitis. The reason for this is that accumulation of plaque bacteria is necessary but not sufficient by itself for the development of Periodontitis: a susceptible host is necessary. (Tatakis et al)




The biofilms on the supra and subgingival surfaces of the teeth are composed of complex microbial communities which have evolved to inhabit these specialized oral environments.

9#. How is periodontal disease or Gum disease treated?

  • Gum (gingival) enlargement treatment
  • How to treat (get rid of ) swollen gums?
  • How to treat gingivitis and periodontitis?
  • Severe gum disease treatment
  • Inflamed gum pocket treatment
  • Laser gum treatment near me
  • Gingivectomy before and after
  • Deep periodontal pocket treatment
  • Deep cleaning teeth before and after pictures
  • Periodontitis clinic treatment
  • How to remove pyorrhea from teeth?
gingivectomy gums enlargement treatment
nonsurgical periodontal management of pregnancy tumor

What are the causes of receding gums or gingival recession??


  • Receding gums are due to the infection of gums & bone generally caused by bacteria,that destroy supporting tissues of teeth. Periodontal disease is the main cause of gum recession.
  • Brushing the teeth too hard, too fast, or too frequently may also lead to gum recession

Key Elements in New classification of Periodontal Disease


Periodontal disease is a silent, mostly painless, condition, so it commonly reaches advanced degrees of severity before it is detected and treatment is started.

Manifestations of chronic periodontitis include redness, swelling and recession of the gingiva, bleeding of the affected gingival area on probing and increased tooth mobility due to loss of supportive structures. Tissue loss results in the
formation of periodontal pockets and bone loss, which are the hallmarks of the disease.

A diagnosis is made mostly based on clinical parameters that include clinical attachment level (a measure of the loss of soft and hard tissue), bleeding on
probing, probing depth (the depth of the pocket) and radiographic findings (to assess bone loss).

Prevention is typically achieved with self‑performed (daily) and professional (bi-annually) oral hygiene.

What is Periodontal Pocket or a Gum Pocket??

  • Due to gum disease when gum tissue begins to pull away from the teeth, it leaves a larger space between the tooth and gums where harmful bacteria can thrive. At this point the space is called a “pocket.”
  • The Periodontal pocket is defined as a pathologically deepened gingiva sulcus.
Periodontal Pocket (Gum pocket)


Periodontal charting refers to a chart utilized by a Periodontist or Gum Specialist to evaluate and record gingiva, alveolar bone and overall oral conditions relating to gum health or disease.




7#. How does Periodontist vs Dentist diagnose Gum disease?



Orthopantomograph (OPG) PERIODONTITIS





8#. How can Gum disease be prevented?

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day. If possible, clean oral cavity after each meal.
  • One of the best things you can do is swish warm, salty water around in your mouth
  • Electric toothbrush to maximize your cleaning potential.
  • The Waterpik Water Flosser is the only Water Flosser to earn the American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of acceptance.
  • Make sure your toothbrush has soft or extra-soft bristles.
  • Replace your toothbrush every three months.
  • Floss daily
  • Interdental brushes for orthodontic cases and natural gaps between teeth.
  • Use a natural mouthwash.
  • Visit your dentist at least once a year.
  • Refrain from smoking or chewing tobacco.
  • Limit sugar
  • Oil pulling
  • Exposing teeth to salt or baking soda could erode the tooth’s surface enamel over time so try to avoid that.
Prevent Tooth Decay & Gum Disease (Home remedies)

What are the 5 stages of Gum Disease/Periodontal Disease

  • Gum Disease can be classified into five separate stages: Gingivitis, incipient Periodontitis, Early Periodontitis, Moderately Advanced Periodontitis & Advanced Periodontitis.
  • Gingivitis is the only stage of periodontal disease that is reversible as periodontal pathogen has not yet had time to attack the bones.
  • There are 4 seperate categories of Periodontitis depending on the level of bone loss
  • Symptoms: Red Swollen gums; Bleeding gums, Gingival recession, Tooth mobility
  • STAGE 4: MODERATELY ADVANCED PERIODONTITIS (Bone loss extending to middle or apical third of root)
  • STAGE 5: ADVANCED PERIODONTITIS (Bone loss extending to middle or apical third of root)



A periodontitis case definition system should include three components:

(a) Identification of a patient as a periodontitis case,

(b) Identification of the specific type of periodontitis, and

(c) Description of the clinical presentation and other elements that affect clinical management, prognosis, and potentially broader influences on both oral and systemic health.


Periodontitis Gingivectomy treatment

Periodontitis Gingivectomy treatment


  • Advanced periodontal disease may be defined as the progressive destruction of the supporting structures of teeth including periodontal ligament fibers and alveolar bone which may be characterized by excessive depth of pocket, loosing and displacement of teeth in the arch.
  • In advanced periodontal disease patients might have ended up loosing several teeth already or are apparently not salvageable so that the prognosis of the treatment is complicated by the problems of their replacement.



ORAL PHYSIOTHERAPY/Home Care Performance

  • The bacteriological component is best controlled by effectively educating the patient in plaque removal.
  • The brush, floss and disclosing tablets are the primary oral hygiene aids; however they are frequently augmented by the interdental stimulator, interproximal brush, Perio aid, Water flosser (Water Pik) and warm saline rinses.

8#. Is Gum disease linked to other Systemic health problems?

Periodontal Disease and Systemic Health

  • Recent evidence suggests the possibility that poor oral health, particularly Periodontal disease/Gum disease, may influence the initiation or the progression of several important and prevalent systemic diseases and conditions.
  • This view holds that microorganisms mainly bacteria from dental plaque enters into the blood stream through the discontinuities of the oral tissues (ulcerated sulcular epithelium; infected root canals) and travel through the bloodstream to cause an infection in a distant site.
  • Periodontal pathogens may stimulate the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines or acute phase proteins at a distant site (eg, liver, cardiovascular system, skeleton etc.
  • Recent evidences address the association or connection of oral infection with systemic conditions such as atherosclerosis, pulmonary disease and pregnancy complications.


Periodontal Disease and Systemic Health

Gum flap over wisdom tooth (PERICORONITIS)

gum flap over wisdom tooth


gum flap over wisdom tooth

7#. What are the Risk Factors of Periodontal Disease/Periodontitis ?

The primary cause of periodontal (gum) disease is dental plaque biofilm, but other following factors may aggravate the gum problem:
  • Heredity
  • Smoking
  • Stress
  • Occlusal overload
  • Other Systemic Diseases like osteoporosis diabetes etc
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Poor Nutrition
  • Medications such as calcium channel blocker, anticonvulsants, immunomodulatory agents etc
  • Faulty dentistry
  • Previous History of Periodontal disease









Classical Approach to Gummy Smile | Lip lowering surgery

Gummy Smile/Excessive gingival display is a common Esthetic concern for many patients and may be related to self-esteem and confidence of an individual.
It is paramount for the dentist to identify the actual cause, as there may be multiple underlying etiologies, which will further provide assistance in treatment plan.
Differential Diagnosis may include lip length, lip activity, clinical crown length, altered passive and active
eruption, wear with secondary eruption & vertical maxillary excess.
Several treatment options have been proposed to treat Gummy smile and to reduce the gingival exposure including Periodontal surgery, Orthodontics, Orthognathic surgery for skeletal issues and some Nontraditional methods like Botox and Lip Repositioning surgery.


Dental Infographics showing main causes of Halitosis or bad breath

Halitosis (Bad breath) or Oral Malodor : Main Causes : Dental Infographics PERIO-GRAPHICS, PERIO-CHECKLIST

Halitosis or Bad Breath can be defined as any disagreeable odor in expired air, regardless of whether the odorous substances originate from oral or non-oral sources

Oral malodor is closely associated with Periodontal disease, poor oral hygiene, tongue coating, dry mouth, dental caries, oral carcinoma, and several forms of stomatitis.

Halitosis (Bad breath)




Diagnosis of Halitosis

  • Oral malodor can be assessed using direct and indirect methods


  • Organoleptic method (whole-mouth breath test, spoon test, floss odor test, salivary odor test and self perception of odor)
  • Gas chromatography
  • Sulphide monitors
  • “Electronic nose”


  • Bacterial culture and smear
  • Enzyme assay


  • The treatment of oral malodor (thus of intraoral origin) should preferably be cause related.
  • Because oral malodor is caused by the metabolic degradation of available proteins to malodorous gases by certain oral microorganisms, the following general treatment strategies can be applied:

1. Mechanical reduction of intraoral nutrients and microorganisms

2. Chemical reduction of oral microbial load

3. Rendering malodorous gases nonvolatile

4. Masking the malodor

Tooth decay/Cavities | Causes, Prevention & Treatment | Infographic

Gum disease & Tooth decay – most prevalent dental diseases among both children and adults. Right diagnosis, treatment and maintenance can easily prevent both form of Dental diseases.

Tooth decay starts with destruction of tooth enamel and leads to holes in  teeth, called Cavities. If left untreated, these cavities worsen & tooth becomes compromised.

Periodontal (gum) disease is an infection of the tissues that hold your teeth in place. It’s typically caused by plaque, a sticky film of bacteria to build up on the teeth and harden.

Both tooth decay and gum disease can result in tooth loss.

The good news? You can prevent tooth decay and gum disease with simple, easy and affordable steps.

9 Tips to Prevent Tooth Decay & Gum Disease

1. Brush your teeth twice a day

2. Floss daily. Your brushing is not complete without flossing. Floss can reach the crevices too small for your brush bristles, so it’s a necessary step for a clean mouth.

3. Skip the sugar. Sugar reacts with the bacteria in your saliva to form an acid that erodes your tooth enamel, the outer protective layer of your teeth.

4. Swish with mouthwash. For an added boost to your oral hygiene routine, rinse with an anti-bacterial mouthwash.

5. Use fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride helps strengthen your tooth enamel to combat tooth decay.

6. Tongue Cleaning:

7. Salt water rinses : (2-3 times) per day

8. Pay attention to your mouth and gums.

9. Visit the dentist every six months.

About Dr. Somit Jain

Dr Somit Jain provides comfortable dental care to patients of all ages. Call 85180-50001 today to schedule a checkup and cleaning, cosmetic consultation, or second-opinion visit. We are located in Pandri, Raipur, Chhattisgarh India.

Top Dentist in Raipur Chhattisgarh | Dr.Somit Jain | Prestige Dental Care

Table of Contents

Top 6 tips to find the Best Dentist (Dental Clinic) in Raipur, Chhattisgarh India: A Helpful Illustrated Guide

Maybe its been few years since you have had undergone any Dental treatment or seen a dentist, or you’ve recently moved to a new place and you’re wondering, “Who is the best dentist in Raipur, Chhattisgarh state India?” or “Which is the best Dental Clinic (near me) in Raipur Chhattisgarh India?” Every individual has a list of criteria that is personally important when selecting the best dentist around you. From the data I have collected over the years, most patients want the best level of dental care available in a reasonable driving distance from home. Many patients also want to know that the doctor (or dental clinic near me) has the latest technological advancements to help getting the most updated treatment strategies plus speeding up the time in the dental office. The good news is that there are a small group of dental professionals that are available in Raipur who can provide you with comfortable, advanced care with a positive chair-side manner. What should you look for when choosing the best dentist (dental clinic) in Raipur, then?








Ask a Neighbor Friend or Relative “Word of Mouth”

A good beginning will be to see a dentist that’s referred by a family member or friend. You want to acquire first-hand knowledge of what’s going to happen and the quality of dental care you get. To do that, you need to ask friends who have previously visited the best dental clinic in Raipur. You want to know what their experience was like, getting both the positive (Cheap in price and affordable) and negative reviews about the dental practice. In every situation, the best dentist in Raipur state is one that solves the person’s needs, keeps discomfort to a minimum, and offers on-time appointments that work best with your schedule.

An anna of Prevention is worth a rupee of Cure..!!

Ask a Dental Specialist for a Referral

If you’re seeing a dental specialist for any type of dental care, a physician, ask them about the best dentists or dental clinics in their locality like More Raipur City Map (Pin code, Airport,Flights, Hotels). Which ones do they know personally that they could recommend? This is particularly important if you have any specific dental health needs like for Gum Disease or Periodontal disease that would benefit from care from a dentist with a specialty, such as a Periodontist.

Research Their Reputation Including Social Media (Google Reviews)
{Best Dentist (Dental Clinic) in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India}


We live in a digital era where copious amounts of information are literally at your fingertips.  It is imperative to research each of the dental care providers who gives the best dental treatment at More Raipur city that you are considering, especially the Dentist’s reputation. Speaking to friends yields a starting point, but you also want to obtain a wider array of opinions. Internet review sites and social media can provide illuminating information that may spark your interest or turn you off immediately. You can find reviews on sites like Google Quora Facebook Dental Clinic Websites or may be Youtube videos. Try to visit the dentist’s social media pages to get an idea of the type of dental care they present may be an updated case presentation similar to the one you are seeking. The amount of time and energy that is required to find detailed information about any practice is minimal.


Ask for Patient References

Don’t hesitate to ask your best dentist doctor (Dental Clinic nearby) at Raipur for references. Specifically, ask the dentist if you could talk to one, or preferably three, of their patients that has gone through the procedures and treatments you need to complete. This can help you to get an idea of what you can expect, including the type of chair-side manner the team has. It’s okay to talk to people openly about your best concerns to get clear feedback about your Dentist (Dental Clinic) at Raipur News and jobs. Do not be afraid to ask specific questions such as, “was your injection and root canal painless”.



Check Dental Credentials (Dental Clinic 24 hours Near me with price)

Review the history of best Dentist Doctor at Raipur. Where did he or she go to school? And, even more importantly, does the dentist continue their education? Look at the associations they belong to as well, as this shows the dentist is working to maintain their educational path to provide the most advanced level of dental care. Specifically, look for those that are members with organizations such as Indian Society of Periodontology or your local dental society like Indian Dental Association (IDA Raipur).

Dental Technology can set Best Dentist in Raipur (Dental Clinic Nearby) Apart

What type of technology does the Dentist doctor use? There are numerous new technologies available each year. You want to know that the dentist is continually investing in updated equipment. This assures you that the dentist and team are keeping up to date most advanced techniques to provide the highest standard of dental care available to date. Some of the most important dental technology to look for include:

  • Digital Dental Clinic x-rays; one of the most important advancements or app because it provides fast access to your oral health. Port XII is a popular X-ray system that all digital dentists can accept.
  • Magnification technology; which can provide a better level of viewing and improves your dentist’s ability to perform precision work.
  • Same-day crowns; a service that helps ensure you can get fast, reliable support for your needs using more advanced CAD/CAM crown technology.
  • 3-D dental CT (CBCT); traditional dental x-rays are limited to what they can see. Also, 3-D X-rays are critical jobs for dental implant surgery in Raipur State.
  • Photography; In today’s cosmetically driven world, photography is critical to provide great patient care. It’s a fact that a dental office library which takes dental photography seriously, provides a higher level of care… especially cosmetically since a picture doesn’t lie.

Do You Like the Best Dentist in Raipur (Dental Clinic) and Staff.??

Most importantly, make sure you like the dentist and their team. You want to feel comfortable, not rushed, and in good hands every time you visit. The best Jain dentist (Dental Clinic Hospital) near you is one that offers a comfortable and clean environment. They have a team that is warm and welcoming. They take pride in providing a professional dental experience and they are truly concerned about your dental health. They are passionate about what they do and enjoy educating you about how to take care of your gums & teeth, so they last a lifetime. They provide options for enhancing your smile with making you feel comfortable. In addition to these valuable tips included in this blog, trust your instincts and don’t settle for less and express more. There is a great dentist (Dental Clinic Hospital) near you, near my location or around me!


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Dr Somit Jain Dentist (Periodontist) : Invited as a Guest Speaker at 72nd Indian Dental Conference , Indore India (Jan 2019)


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Excision of Mucocele Using Diode Laser in Lower Lip

Excision of Mucocele Using Diode Laser in Lower Lip
Excision of Mucocele Using Diode Laser in Lower Lip

मसूड़ों की सर्जरी Flap Surgery in Raipur

मसूड़ों की सर्जरी FLAP SURGERY

Flap Surgery in Raipur


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Flap Surgery Dental cost in India



दांतों की सफाई (TOOTH CLEANING)

दांतों की सफाई
पायरिया का मतलब

Schedule your dental visit with the Best Dentist in Raipur !

best dentist in raipur

Schedule your dental visit with the Top Dentist in Raipur !​

top dentist in raipur

Schedule your turn with the Best Dentist in Raipur !​​

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What it takes to become the "Best Dentist in Raipur ?

Becoming the best dentist in Raipur involves a combination of excellent clinical skills, interpersonal abilities, and a commitment to continuous learning. Here are some qualities that can contribute to becoming a successful and well-regarded dentist:

  1. Clinical Competence:
    • Skill Mastery: Possess excellent technical skills and stay updated on the latest dental techniques and technologies.
    • Diagnostic Ability: Be skilled in accurately diagnosing dental issues and developing effective treatment plans.
  2. Communication Skills:
    • Patient Communication: Effectively communicate with patients, explaining diagnoses and treatment options in a clear and understandable manner.
    • Empathy: Show empathy and understanding towards patients’ concerns and fears.
  3. Interpersonal Skills:
    • Teamwork: Work well with dental assistants, hygienists, and other team members to provide comprehensive patient care.
    • Professionalism: Maintain a high level of professionalism and integrity in all interactions.
  4. Patient-Focused Approach:
    • Patient-Centered Care: Prioritize the well-being and comfort of patients, ensuring a positive and personalized experience.
    • Preventive Care: Emphasize the importance of preventive care and educate patients on maintaining good oral health.
  5. Attention to Detail:
    • Precision: Pay meticulous attention to detail in dental procedures to ensure accuracy and optimal outcomes.
  6. Adaptability:
    • Flexibility: Be adaptable to new technologies, evolving dental practices, and changes in the healthcare landscape.
  7. Ethical Conduct:
    • Integrity: Adhere to ethical standards and maintain the highest level of integrity in all professional dealings.
  8. Commitment to Continuing Education:
    • Lifelong Learning: Stay committed to ongoing professional development through continuing education courses and staying abreast of industry advancements.
  9. Business Acumen:
    • Practice Management: Understand the business side of running a dental practice, including financial management and patient relationship management.
  10. Patience and Persistence:
    • Resilience: Handle challenging cases and situations with patience and persistence, seeking the best outcomes for patients.
  11. Community Engagement:
    • Community Involvement: Engage with the local community, participate in health initiatives, and build a positive reputation within the community.

Remember, becoming the best dentist is a continuous journey of improvement and dedication to providing excellent patient care. It involves not only clinical expertise but also a holistic approach to patient well-being and satisfaction.


ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

My gums are bleeding, what do I do???

My gums are bleeding, what do I do?

To treat Bleeding gums, first and foremost we need to find the etiology or the causes of gum bleeding.

Bleeding Gums indicates the beginning of the destructive process involving the supporting structures around the tooth (Periodontium) or some serious underlying Systemic problems.

Causes :

Plaque accumulation on teeth is the primary cause for gum bleeding provided the disease is in active state. This plaque if not removed through regular brushing flossing and dental appointments, will harden into what is known as tartar. Ultimately, this will lead to inflamed gums, a condition called Gingivitis, increased bleeding and finally a more advanced form of Gum disease and Jaw bone disease known as Periodontitis.

Other Causes:

  1. Brushing too hard
  2. Improper flossing
  3. Infection, which can be either tooth or gum-related,
  4. Ill-fitting dentures
  5. Scurvy (Vitamin C deficiency)
  6. Hormonal changes
  7. During pregnancy
  8. Use of blood thinners. (Aspirin)
  9. Leukaemia (Blood Cancer)

To find the etiology it is also sometimes important to get the Radiographic diagnosis like Periapical Xrays and Orthopantomograph (OPG).

If there is only plaque issues: We can treat the underlying gum disease either Nonsurgically or Surgically depending on the severity of the infection.

It is very important to understand and follow the Maintainance phase as guided by your dentist including warm saline rinses.

दाँत निकालने के बाद के निर्देश

दाँत निकालने के बाद के निर्देश :

दाँत निकालने के बाद दाँत निकालने की जगह से थोड़ी देर तक खून आते रहता है। यह खून का थक्का बनने की वजह से कुछ देर बाद रुक जाता है। अगर यह खून का थक्का अपनी जगह से हट जाता है तो ज्यादा देर तक खून बहता रहता है। यह थक्का अपनी जगह बना रहे कृपया इसके लिए नीचे दिए गए निर्देश मानने चाहिए:

1. दाँत निकालने के आधा घंटा बाद रुई का पैक निकाल दे।

2. क्लिनिक छोड़ने के 24 घंटे बाद तक पानी का कुल्ला नही करना है।

3. खून के थक्के को जीभ या उंगली से नही चुना है।

4. 24 घंटे तक ठंडा और तरल पदार्थ ही लेना है। कोई भी चबाने की चीज़ नही खानी है।

5. दाँत निकालने की तरफ (side) से 2 दिन तक कुछ भी नही खाना है।

6. दाँत निकालने के बाद 24 घंटे तक ज्यादा बोलना, कूदना और व्यायाम करना मना है।

7. दाँत निकालने के बाद 24 घंटे तक कैम्पा, पेप्सी, गर्म चाय, गर्म कॉफी और शराब आदि लेना मना है।

8. दाँत निकालने के कुछ घंटे बाद तक बीड़ी, सिगरेट लेना मना है।

9. फिर भी अगर क्लिनिक छोड़ने के बाद खून लगातार बहता रहे तो ध्यान दे कि यह कुछ बूंद खून आपके थूक के साथ मिलकर ज्यादा तो नही लग रहा है। अगर खून लगातार बह रहा है तो रुई का एक छोटा सा पैक बनाकर इसको खून निकलने की जगह पर रख दे और दांतों को 15-30 मिनट तक दबाकर रखे। अगर फिर भी खून नही रुक रहा है तो अपने डॉक्टर से संपर्क करे।

10. इन सब निर्देशो के अलावा अपने डॉक्टर के द्वारा बताए गए निर्देश मानने चाहिए।