Treatment of Lower Lip Mucocele (lips swelling) with Diode laser

Treatment of Lower Lip Mucocele (lips swelling) with Diode laser Surgery

Mucoceles are common lesions of the oral mucous membrane involving minor salivary gland tissue. The lower lip is the site most frequently affected, the remainder occur in the cheek, palate, floor of the mouth, tongue, and retromolar fossa. The upper lip is rarely affected.
Mucoceles occur most often in children and young adults.

The mucocele, a mucus accumulation phenomenon of the salivary gland, is a common lesion of the oral cavity.

In the past it was believed that oral mucoceles arise from obstruction of an excretory duct, which caused back pressure of mucus and the formation of an epithelial-lined cyst. It is now, however, generally accepted that most mucoceles are caused by trauma-injury or severing of an excretory duct and subsequent escape of mucus into the adjacent tissue.

Histopathologically, there are two types of mucoceles:

1) Mucous extravasation cyst, generally regarded as being of traumatic origin, such as lip biting.

2) Mucous retention cyst result from obstruction of the duct of a minor or accessory gland.


Mucocele is a common lesion of the oral mucosa that results from an alteration of minor salivary glands due to a mucous accumulation. Mucocele involves mucin accumulation causing limited swelling

(1). Two types of mucocele can appear – extravasation and retention.

Extravasation mucocele results from a broken salivary glands duct and the consequent spillage into the soft tissues around this gland. Retention mucocele appears due to a decrease or absence of glandular secretion produced by blockage of the salivary gland ducts

(2). When located on the floor of the mouth these lesions are called ranulas because the inflammation resembles the cheeks of a frog

(3). Mucocele is a common lesion and affects the general population. For this reason we felt it would be interesting review the clinical characteristics of mucoceles, and their treatment and evolution in order to aid decision making in daily clinical practice.



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